I am very pleased to announce that Intel will sponsor my Social Media Global Report starting immediately. Formerly, the SAP Global Report, the new GM Social report will begin with new episodes within the next week and will run approximately once weekly. It will continue to feature Q&As with people who are changing their businesses or culture with social media tools.
Started in June 2007, there have been 103 SM Global Reports so far. I have talked with a diverse group of people in 33 contries. They've ranged from Michael Dell, founder and CEO of Dell Computer who talked about why social media was a strategic imperative for his company to Wael Abbas, who talked about why he uploaded videos of Egyptian police brutality onto YouTube.
If you have a story of social media impacting culture or business anywhere on Earth, please tell me about it via email [[email protected]]. Just a note: I rarely cover start ups. I am more interested in case studies that will help people struggling with social media to understand the amazing things that can be accomplished through social media.
Thanks Intel. I hope to do you proud.