Frank Gruber was walking down the streets of Boulder when he stumbled upon JoyEngine, a neat shop selling original arts & crafts. He pointed his camera at the door, walked in, and had one of the owners give us a quick five minute tour.
The camera was handheld, and the sound of average quality.
It happens that I have a friend who just moved to Boulder, CO and she already knew the shop. When paula & I visit her, we will visit JoyEngine, thanks to Frank, but that alone would not be enough for me to post this.
This is the citizen journalism we are heading to. People everywhere, equipped with cameras and access are posting what they see, for a few friends or the entire world. It is the reporting of everday people and places and incidents that will never be ready for prime time, but are useful and interesting to some of us some of the time.
Frank, this is a great example of what is going to happen with increasing frequency and I thank you for it.