I would have thought better of Darren Rowse. he has done some good things over the years. His newest way of making large piles of chump change, in my opinion, is not among them. One day after I warned about chnges a brewing in Twitter, Darren has announced PayPerTweet.
Darren posts some highly hyperbolic numbers that stretch his credibility the way strained credibility stretched Pinochio's nose. He claims there are 10s of millions of people using Twitter daily. No one, absolutely no one has produced any data to support numbers like that. He talks of Tweeters having 10s of thousands of followers. Perhaps a handful have over 10,000m followers. But according to Twitter co-founder Biz Stone, the average Tweeter posts three times a week and has about 10 followers.
Darren has not asked me what I think of this new endeavor, but I'll tell him right here, what I told Ted Murphy when he urged me to review his PayPerPost. I wrote "I hope you crash and burn."
Same at you, Darren.