Scoble was banned last night from Facebook and all his data was taken down. The company has accused him of using a script to scrape user data a violation of customer security. Over at Twitter, there is a firestorm of pissed off former customers.
In fact, ror reasons other than this, I'm likely to become a pissed off former customer. The problem is I'm addicted to Scrabulous.
Now, any of the million or so folk who regularly follow Scoble know that he is just about the last person who would scrape user data and use it for evil purposes. The situation is as he claims it is. He was playing with a geek tool to show what a bad guy could do.
Many of us have been talking, no shouting about the dangers of Facebook and how suspicious we have come with what is happening to our data. So, it actually comes as a pleasant surprise that Facebook responded at all to Robert's experiment.
I have a hunch, once the Facebook people are down with their long winter's sleep, they yawn, stretch, have their coffee and do the usual check on what is being said about Facebook, they will actually restore Robert, with apologies for a very bad misunderstanding.
That's what they should do. I for one, would prefer to see Facebook over react and make a fool of itself, then to see it have under reacted and confirmed that bad guys could use the service to make fools of us users.