Mike Krigsman is a new acquaintance. He's the guy who gave me a great parka when I was freezing in Boston about a month ago. I've been following his IT Failures blog at ZDNet with growing interest and now he's started an audio series within it called Naked IT.
I'm among the people he interviewed for it nd it was among the most interesting in that it made me understand the flashpoint of difference from the IT perspective as opposed tosocial media zealots like me. But we'll get to that after my interview with him appears. I may follow up by interviewing him for the SAP Global Survey.
Mike is among the most savvy people I know on enterprise IT and I'm learning much from him. I also just learned a good deal about Loic Le Meur from his maiden Naked IT podcast, and I thought it was true to the program title. The talk is intimate, charming and enlightening.
Nice start, Mike.