Carlos has just announced that Scrapblog is now open to the public. "You are in the driver's seat," he wrote. Take it wherever it wants to go.
Scrapblog works bets when shared with family and friends, and now is the time to start sharing. Anyone is now free to use it and anyone can create whatever they want with it.
Thanks to all you bloggers who helped us get it ready over the past few days.
The wonderful, diverse and creative properties you have made are best shared with others. Now is the time to do it.
I've been involved with this wonderful Scrapblog gang since early October and it is the kind of team that I love and respect. They are hard-working, transparent to a fault and creative geniuses.
Now let's see what everyone else can do with this toolset. Like Carlos, I can't wait to see where this is going to go.
Technorati Tags: scrapblog, carlosgarcia