A few highlights from the RSS Panel
- Greg Reinacker, CTO and founder of Newsgator is talking about the challenges of launching products to the enterorise that are uneconomic to support. He talks about zero touch deplyment in an enterprise RSS server, about maintaining confidential information.
- Charlie Wood Spanning Partners--RSS really is plumbing. It becomes invisible.
- Matt Mullenweg, WordPress--"Blogging is really a trick by all the bloggers in the world to get your websites to stop sucking," he told the rooomful of enterprise people. Blogging keeps them current and makes them more interactive.
- Stuart Watson Syndicate IQ
- Charlie: RSS goes way beyond blogs. It's just a new way to subscribe to information. In the past you could only subscribe through email. There's much more that you want to subscribe to than blogs. His Spanning Partners has helped salesforce.com users subscribe to that companies information. You don't have to track up to a thousand emails a day. You don't need to log in. RSS is a great way to just get it delivered. You can RSS enable enterprise content. Just adding RSS increase the value of the content.
- Matt: Dicussed the discoverability that RSS enables.
- Greg--Big Picture--all the RSS plumbing will disappear just like SMTP for email. Subscription-basedcontent will just be all over the place on your handhelds, cell phone etc. It will just follow you around all day.
- Matt--It's not about the tools it's about the connection with people.
This is the first time I've seen Matt Mullenwegg. He's an impressive guy.
Question from Rubel: How does Microsoft, Google and Yahoo coming into RSS impact Newsgator. Greg says that it legitimizes the technology, creating a bigger and bigger market. This all sounds good. We've heard it before--many times from companies who are no longer around.
Not a bad panel. I think RSS is much bigger than just blogging and this panel has made the point pretty well. But it reminds me of listening to speakers from Cisco in recent years. It's about exciting as going to plumbers convention to hear a debate on implementing non-corrosive pipes.