This has nothing to do with Naked Conversations, but it is important. David Koch, a friend of my Conferenza Partner is missing from a mountain. If you have any helpful ideas, please email Gary Bolles or me. Here is Gary's message:
Shel: I need to ask for help. A friend of mine, David Koch, is missing on a mountain in Canada, and we need to publicize his situation so the search effort continues. I don't know if this process will work, but perhaps the blogosphere can help. Dave's the associate publisher on DMReview, a Thomson/SourceMedia publication. He drove north from Seattle last Wednesday 5/25, stopping in the late afternoon to take a tram up a mountain near Vancouver that he and his wife had visited years before. Apparently he missed the tram back, and attempted to hike down. He hasn't been heard from since.
A search effort was organized , but David's wife is concerned that interest in continuing the search may be waning.
Dave is a truly great person, and I simply can't imagine that he could be left on his own at this point. What if a number of folks in the blogosphere started writing about this to help flash attention to his situation? What if there were posts, even brief mentions with links to news stories, in every place possible? Perhaps that would get picked up in the traditional print and broadcast media as well, and keep interest high in finding him.
Who else can I email? Are there many other folks at the "head of the long tail," like Robert Scoble, whom I should contact? How else can we get this start to move? Time is obviously critical, so if you have any suggestions about how to make this happen, I'd appreciate any help you can give. Thanks